1 - 16 - Port Genius or Falcon Controller
(Fully Assembled-ready to Run) Built by Holiday Lighting.Shop
2 - 2500 12v Bullet Resistor Pixels 100ct Black xConnect Pigtails
3 - 4 10 Watt Floods xConnect Pigtails
4 - 15 20ft & 15 10ft Extensions xConnect Pigtails
5 - 5 - Sequences From BF Light Shows
6 - And A $45.00 donation to the xLight Developer's
PRE-BUY Complete Holiday Lighting Bundle
$1,947.00 Regular Price
$1,700.00Sale Price
these are expected to ship in approximately 8-12 weeks after pre-buy ends
5 - Sequences From BF Light Shows Can be used Immediataely
16-port (Fully Assembled-ready to Run) Controller shipping in 1-2 Weeks
Everything Else Shipping in Approximately 4-12 Weeks